Frequently Asked Questions
Is this legal?Digital signatures are among the most promising information security measures available today. They meet the legal and business requirements for authenticity, integrity, non-repudiation, and the necessity for a writing and signature. For digital signatures to meet these requirements effectively, they must be supported by robust institutional and legal infrastructures, in addition to strong cryptographic measures. A digital signature functions as an electronic equivalent to a manual signature, fulfilling the same purposes and even offering additional benefits. It ensures that the signer cannot deny having signed the document (non-repudiation), and it maintains the document’s integrity, ensuring that any alterations are detectable. Digital signatures are not only legal but also provide enhanced security and efficiency in electronic transactions.
Is this secure?Security is the cornerstone of everything we do at Dewly and was the driving force behind the creation of our platform. We ensure that all stored data and personal information are encrypted end-to-end, adhering to a zero-knowledge model. This guarantees that only the author and the designated signers can access the contents of any documents stored in Dewly. No one else, including Dewly staff, can view this information. To manage users, accounts, authorisation, and authentication, we implement industry-standard Identity and Access Management protocols such as OAuth 2.0 and OpenID Connect. These protocols provide robust security measures to protect your data and ensure only authorised access.
What is Certified Signing?When you sign a document with Dewly, an auto-generated Signature Certificate is attached to the end of the signed document. This certificate verifies the identities of the signers, including their email addresses, mobile numbers, physical locations, and the IP addresses of the devices used for signing. Additionally, a unique SIGN ID is generated for each signer, ensuring traceability and authenticity. To further enhance security, a FILE ID is embedded as initials on every page of the document.This comprehensive certification process not only validates the signers' identities but also provides an additional layer of security and integrity for your documents.
What is Biometric Identity Verification?Biometric Identity Verification is a remote process that validates and authenticates a person's identity using facial biometric technology. Similar to how an identity document proves one's identity in person, this technology verifies an individual's identity by comparing their facial features to a trusted source, such as records from the Department of Home Affairs or a chosen ID or Passport document. This advanced verification method ensures that the person’s identity is accurately confirmed, providing a high level of security and reliability.
How & when do I pay?Transactions are accumulated over the course of each month and are billed against your Visa or Mastercard at the end of the monthly cycle.
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